Cube Experiment #2
Cube Experiment #2, 2017, video formatted for unique 80-foot high video marquee, 30 seconds
Cube Experiment #2 is an exploration of form, weight, timing, and the laws of physics. Cubes fall into the Marquee as if poured into a container. They bounce and react, in simulated 3D physics, until gravity is reversed and they begin to rise up & "fall" out of the Marquee.
Created for Art on the Marquee at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, 415 Summer St., Boston
Cube Experiment #2, 2017, video formatted for unique 80-foot high video marquee, 30 seconds
Cube Experiment #2, 2017, HD video, 2 minutes
Cube Experiment - Proposal, 2017, HD video, 30 seconds