Blockheads, woodblock prints on paper
Asemic Drawings, ink on paper
StampSketch, drawings, video, code
StampSketch Interactive, interactive drawing application
Jeffu Model Kit, sculpture
collaboration with Ellen Wetmore -
The Head Makes the Man, sculpture
Vultures, Vultures Everywhere, video sculpture
Honk Box #1, sculpture
Time to Inflate, sculpture
A Good Plan Needs a Solid Foundation, sculpture
All Roads Lead to Rome, sculpture
Who Will Save Us From Ourselves? sculpture
Urgent Blowout, inflatable sculpture
The Great Inflate, video on marquee
collaboration with Ellen Wetmore -
XXXOOO, typewriter drawings
Lilliput, interactive installation
Chiasmus, video on marquee
collaboration with Anne Lilly -
Cube Experiment, video installation
DADA IPSUM, multiplayer sound poem
A Work With Only One Property, interactive installation
Arrows, ink on paper
Stacks, video on marquee
Fluid Bodies, HD video
Locomotion Studies, video on marquee
AAAAH, video sculpture
Pulleys, video on marquee
Twister, video on marquee
Human Testbrix, video on marquee
3 Heads Are Better Than One, video sculpture & performance
Four Horsemen, video sculpture
1UP, video on marquee
Nine Gestures, video wall
Cut, video marquee
Merge, video installation
Fall, video marquee
No More Funny Stuff (4-Way Cymbal Monkey), video
Marginalia: Drop, video sculpture
Up, video sculpture
Marginalia: Crawl, video sculpture
Il Jeffuria Pizza, interactive video sculpture
JeffuMart, sculpture
JeffuBurger, interactive video sculpture
JFC, interactive video sculpture
JeffuScape, photographs
Edible History Museum, photographs
Cereal Reef, photographs
JeffuMaster 3D Reels, stereographs
Land O'Lactation, sculputural installation
collaboration with Ellen Wetmore -
SPUDNIK, installation, video, sculptures, photographs
Art Show Down, TV Game show
Day of the Cabbage, video, installation
Democra-Skee Vote Alley, interactive sculpture
Futuro-Vote, interactive sculpture
Dueling Banjo, interactive sculpture
Clawfoot Bass-Tub, interactive sculpture
Sinkrophonium, interactive sculpture
JEFFUMarket Pyramid, sculpture
Il Spaghetti Occidentali, video
SuperJeffuMarket, sculptural installation
Strictly Kosher Style, book, installation, photographs
AGENT, video
Kung-fu Kitchen, video
Recipes for Futility, sculptural installation
TV Dinner, video sculpture
Oven Antics, video sculpture
Fridge Frenzy, video sculpture
Egg with Mirror Yolk, sculpture
Infinite Lemon Battery, sculpture
Logic-Subversion Circuit, sculpture
Stir-Crazy Device, interactive sculpture
Cabbage Pulley (Failed), installation
Recipes / Experiments, typewriter drawings
Extraction, videos
Kitchen Craze, color photographs
Home Alchemy, color photographs
Cardboard Dualities, color photographs
Slide Projections, color photographs
Natures Mortes, color photographs
Compressions, color photographs