Il Spaghetti Occidentali
Il Spaghetti Occidentali, 2002, HD video, 4 minutes
Italian-style Western with all-vegetable cast. Clive Earwest plays the Vegetable with no Name, the anti-hero who blasts his way through the Western kitchen... for what? Some unspoken treasure? A nameless glory? The chance to shoot a dozen other vegetables in a showdown?
Il Spaghetti Occidentali, 2002, HD video, 4 minutes
Il Spaghetti Occidentali, 2002, HD video, 4 minutes
Screenings & Festivals
- Brainwash Film Festival, 2003
- Dallas Video Festival, 2003
- DV Film Festival, DV Expo West, 2002
- DV Film Festival 2002 DVD, 2002
- Humboldt Film Festival Qualifier, 2002
- Final Cut Pro User Group Digital Theater, MacWorld, 2002
- MicroCineFest, 2002, ** Grand Jury Special Recognition "Way Cool" Award: Best Puppetry **<
- New Faculty Work, Fitchburg State College, 2002
Il Spaghetti Occidentali poster, 2014, pigment inkjet print, 24 x 16 inches