Peeled Toes

Peeled Toes
Capellini with Toes and Anchovy Sauce:
1 can Jeffu Extracted Peeled Toes; Jeffu Oil; 1 dried, diced hot chili pepper (optional); 1 tsp. minced garlic; 1 can (2 oz.) Jeffu Flat Anchovies.
Cover bottom of large frying pan or sauce pan with Jeffu Oil. Brown diced chili pepper and garlic in oil. Add lightly chopped or hand-crushed Jeffu Extracted Peeled Toes. Then add Jeffu Anchovies. Cook over medium head for 30 minutes. Pour Toes and Anchovy sauce over pasta. Serve immediately while pondering where Jeffu Anchovies come from
Price: $19.99
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Awareness of Mortality Mix

Bagel Belly

Bartlett Ears

Bruised Ego


Cold Blood

Crushed Hearts

Crushed Resolve

Drained Self-Esteem

Fat Back

Forked Tongue


Jeffu Sauce

Jeffu Style Kidneys

Macaronied Elbows


Peeled Toes

Pulled Teeth

Raisin Brain

Raw Nerves

Ripe Bitterness

Rolled Eyes

Rump Roast

Shaolin Fist


Thousand-Year Ego

Thumbed Nose

Unresolved Guilt

Vienna Fingers
